Career Information for Students

Staying in school and working hard in all your classes provides the best way forward on many different career paths in health and medicine. There are dozens of important roles where talented and caring young people are greatly needed to provide care and services in cities and neighborhoods all over the country. Some of these roles might be in a hospital or medical office. Other health care workers are in the field or conducting public health research. All of these people are a critical part of delivering quality health care in our communities.

Some students might work to become physicians, nurses, or laboratory technicians in a hospital. These direct care providers are often the most visible and familiar individuals in a health care setting. But there are many other rewarding and important positions that need to be filled to keep everything running and take care of all the different areas that need attention in health care.

X-ray technician

Dietician / nutritionist

ER nurse

EMT / Paramedic

Emergency Medical First Responder


Black Men in White Coats Website

From the Black Men in White Coats website:

Black Men In White Coats seeks to To Increase The Number of Black Men In The Field of Medicine by exposure, inspiration, and mentoring.  To accomplish this, we are partnering with various medical schools across the country to produce outstanding short documentary videos which bring awareness to this issue that not only affects the black male population, but also the nation as a whole.