HCC Philadelphia was developed initially in 2008 as a partnership between the Lankenau Medical Center and Overbrook High School in West Philadephia, however, the success of the program inspired additional Philadelphia-based hospital-high school alliances.
Currently, in Philadelphia, four medical schools are implementing the Health Career Academy at five high schools. Our partner medical schools include Temple University School of Medicine, Drexel University College of Medicine, Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University, and Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM). Our partner high schools include Chester High School, Overbrook High School, Abraham Lincoln High School, Martin Luther King High School, and West Catholic High School. Please click on the site pages to explore each branch.
March 3, 2020: HCC partners with Mercy Vocational high school to provide sessions in phlebotomy, suturing, surgical robotics, intubation, and simulated patients.

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